Ryan Reynolds Film Scenes to be Shot in Worcester


Article by Walter Bird Jr. | @worcestermag

Holly-Worcester is at it again. Hot on the heels of Liam Neeson bringing his particular set of skills to Worcester to film his new movie “Honest Thief,” the new flick “Level Up” is scheduled to start filming here next week. Or is it “Free Guy?”

A flyer sent around the Franklin Street area referred to film as “Level Up,” while a recording at a phone number listed on the flyer called it “Free Guy.”

Either way, the movie is a Twentieth Century production starring Ryan Reynolds, and scenes are being filmed on Franklin Street.

Sam Morris, manager of Brew on the Grid at 56 Franklin St., told Worcester Magazine he was told filming would run Sunday through Thursday, and that his business, a popular spot at the corner of Franklin and Portland streets, would be used as a set location. He said they will also being doing “some minor catering.”

“They haven’t really told me a lot,” Morris said, adding he does not know whether Reynolds will be on site for the filming. “I assume so, but I’m not entirely positive.”

Morris said the entire interior of Brew on the Grid would be changed for the filming, and some false walls would be constructed.

“When it’s actually in the movie,” he said, “it certainly won’t look entirely like Brew, but it will be Brew.”

Read full article here.